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 This is a list of the farms we work with. We are happy to say they are all farms in the most traditional sense of the word.  They consist of land that is mostly green in the summer and snow covered in the winter. The animals graze and roam and live like they were meant too when it is nice out, and are provided with shelter that permits them to carry out their animalish behaviours and predilections when it’s cold out. They are managed by people that have particular ideas about how agriculture should be practiced and who have chosen a style of farming that is different from the mainstream style. They work hard and have to find a niche market for their product, and I think often about how nice it is that we found them and that they found us. Some of them are farmers that hail from many generations of farmers, and some are people who have carved new paths midway through life, having already lived a whole other life doing something nothing to do with farming. When you come to our shop or our restaurants you can ask us whose pork or whose beef we have that week, and we will be able to tell you. I’m not sure how many people realize how unusual that is. It’s one of the things that makes this work exciting for us, and is hopefully one of the reasons you keep coming back.